Hello Book Lover:
It’s true that most all book lovers are also library lovers. Does that describe you? It does me, for sure.
Join Our Marketing Team
My marketers and I are in the midst of a year-end marketing thrust to libraries all across the US. We’re turning to you–my Clean Teen Reads family–to help out by joining our team.
And in return, I want you to have a complimentary digital copy of Brought To You By The Color Drab. Sound like a fair exchange?
Contact Your Local Library
All you have to do is contact your local library and tell them about Brought To You By The Color Drab and ask them to add it to their system. Libraries listen to their patrons. Your request matters to them! If we don’t tell them, they’ll never know.
You can make a request to your library by:
- Phone call
- In person
Give them this important information:
Title: Brought To You By The Color Drab
ISBN#: 978-0-9908037-8-2

This is Tulsa City-County Library Central, where I spent countless hours doing research in the “pre-Google” days of my writing career.
Why a year-end marketing thrust?
Because most libraries make their purchasing decisions at the end of the year, which makes this the perfect time to connect and let them know about this novel.
We’re working hard at our end. Will you help out at your end? Again, believe me when I say, that librarians listen to their patrons!
Once you have either sent an email, placed a phone call, or talked to your favorite librarian, giving them the title and ISBN#, and have asked them to add the book to their collection–THEN email me back with MISSION ACCOMPLISHED in the subject line. I will answer with the link to the complimentary digital download!
Thank you in advance for joining our marketing team!!
Norma Jean
PS: How will I know if you REALLY did contact your local library before sending your email with MISSION ACCOMPLISHED in the subject line? Because I’m just naïve enough to believe that as a part of the Clean Teen Reads family, you are just flat-out honest and trustworthy! I don’t think you’ll disappoint me!
PPS: If the librarian needs more information give them this email: info@nuwslinkinc.com, Attn: Rhonda Huber, and a marketing kit will be sent to them.
PPPS: Here’s a bonus. Once you contact your local library, and once you email me back and receive your copy of Color Drab and read it, please write a review on my Amazon page. (https://goo.gl/SswSnC) Send me a copy of your review, and I will, in return, reward you with a complimentary digital copy of one of the titles in the Norma Jean Lutz Classic Collection.
I’m excited at what we can accomplish together. This is a great way to promote local libraries. Once they bring Brought To You By The Color Drab into their system, our marketing dept. will add their name into our campaign.
I’ll be sending updates to let you know how the campaign is progressing!
Thanks again!!