Teens on the Scene: A New Twist on Teens & Books — Ashburn School
This Teens on the Scene is a bit different from previous ones. Normally, I star an exemplary teen. Not so here. Read on to see what I mean.
It was a historic old schoolhouse located in Ashburn, VA. And for seemingly no reason, five teenagers defaced it with racist and anti-Semitic graffiti.
The graffiti sprayed included swastikas, dinosaurs, sexual images and the phrases “brown power” and “white power.” At least one of the teenagers said he did not know the symbolism of a swastika.
After they were apprehended, brought into court, and pleaded guilty, they received a strange, and what I feel to be, a brilliant sentence. They were ordered to read a book a month for an entire year. And not just any book. But books from a carefully selected list. This wasn’t all there was to the sentence. But read the rest in this article.
Because the Clean Teen Reads site is all about teenagers and books, this seemed to be perfect validation that books indeed can, and do, change lives. At least this judge and these attorneys think so. More HERE.
I would love to see more judges hand down these kinds of sentencing to teens. Do you agree?
- Ashburn school vandalized
- Ashburn school lovingly restored
My newest release, Brought To You By The Color Drab, is a story of a teen who had many obstacles to overcome. But comes out a winner! You can read the first two chapters right here. Just click below.
[By the way, Brought To You By The Color Drab, is beginning to show up on the shelves of libraries around the country. Is it in yours? If not, be sure to connect with your librarian and request it. They listen to their patrons!]
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