Denis Estimon – We Dine Together
Unnoticed In The Crowd
The concrete courtyard at Boca Raton Community High stretches the length of a football field. When the bell rings for lunch, a flurry of students pack it from every direction.
Almost 3,400 students go to school here. Students say the place is so populated they can go years without seeing the same student twice.
It’s easy to go unnoticed. And intimidating if you’re new, struggle with self-esteem or the English language.
“Coming here, not knowing anyone, took a toll on my confidence. I became socially awkward. I sat by myself,” said Allie Sealy, a 16-year-old junior.
A Lunch-time Club
Can one person make a difference? Yes they can.
Can a few in a “club” make a difference? Absolutely!
A good idea like this is bound to spread. Learn and SHARE!
My teen action novel Brought To You By The Color Drab is all about a boy (Race Paloma) who know firsthand what it means to be lonely — and all alone.
You can read the first two chapters right here. Just click below.
Download Chapters 1 & 2 of Color Drab FREE