In Part I of Teens and the Coveted Driver’s License – Or Is It?, statistics were cited that showed large numbers of teens these days are delaying getting their driver’s licenses.
Although I can understand some of the reasons given for this delay, I personally wasn’t aware of this new trend. I mentioned in that post that it’s not evident here in the Midwest where I live. The teens that I know are all still eager to get that coveted driver’s license and gain new-found freedom.
Lingering Dreams
This got me to thinking about the teen drivers in my teen novels. For instance, Lingering Dreams opens with a scene where the main character Kirsten Nicholson is driving the family Jeep over rutted country roads in the rain. She’s on her way to pick up the stranger who is coming to work at their Oklahoma ranch. Because Kirsten, a senior in high school, is a rancher’s daughter she’s already been driving for many years.
Oklahoma Exile
Serena Iverson in Oklahoma Exile is staying with relatives so there is no opportunity for her to get behind the wheel; however, her cousin, Amber June drives. And as with Kirsten, Amber June who lives in a farming community, began driving early in her teen years.
Forever is Over
The main characters in Forever is Over are eighth-graders, still too young for their licenses, so there’s more bike riding in this story plot.
Flower in the Hills
Driving plays an important role for Latina in Flower in the Hills. Due to her having had to drive to another town earlier in the day, she’s returning to the small Ozark community of Zell’s Bush after dark. It’s just her and the little special-needs girl, Althea. It’s the point in the story when she meets head-on with the most terrifying moment of her young life. The frightening scene could not have played out had she not been able to drive. (Interesting, huh?)
Believe me, I wasn’t consciously thinking of all this when developing these different plots. However, I find it interesting how it plays out.
Brought To You By The Color Drab
And then there’s Race Paloma in Brought To You By The Color Drab. The occasion of obtaining his driver’s license is pretty much forced on him. It isn’t his idea at all.
Race lives in the ghetto and the only cars he ever drove were stolen. But when he and the law collide, he has the chance to rectify his situation by taking a job as a driver for a blind piano tuner.
The fact that he has to do a rush job on getting his license is an implied, and not explicit, facet of the plot. However; it plays a momentous role in the story.
The Holder of the Keys
No matter whether the driving experience is delayed (as the cited statistics prove), or begins early as with Kirsten Nicholson, it’s a fact that driving is a prevalent part of our current culture. And I believe the vast majority of teens look forward to that day when they step into adulthood—becoming the holder of the keys!
How About You?
Where are you on your journey to becoming the holder of the keys? Leave your feedback in the comment box below.

My newest release, Brought To You By The Color Drab, is a story that has A LOT to do with a teen driver. A teen who is almost FORCED to drive!
You can read the first two chapters right here. Just click below.