What an ingenious, innovative, cutting edge concept for helping teens chart the course of their lives! Check out Cari Lyn’s Invincible Enterprises site by CLICKING HERE!
Cari Lyn Vinci is co-author of PLAYBOOK for Teens & founder of InVINCIble Enterprises. The organization designs print and digital Mentoring programs for middle and high schools and after school programs. We empower smart, talented teens to become the future business owners & leaders in STE@M industries, SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, ART and MATH. The changed 21st century demonstrates significant shortcomings in preparing teens, especially young women, for the opportunities in STE@M that this century offers. We help solve the STEM talent pool & diversity problems.

PS: Tiger Beetle at Kendallwood is title #2 in the Norma Jean Lutz Classic Collection. Read all of Chapter 1 for FREE. Click HERE!