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  • and all things that have to do with… all of the above.

And OF COURSE lots of newsy stuff about the books that I’ve authored!

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Check out my two newest teen novels on  this page. You’re gonna love ’em!

Clean Teen Reads

A Noble Cause: An Honorable Man Will Uphold a Noble Cause

Question: What’s a skateboarder’s worst nightmare?
Answer: Having no concrete on which to skate!

Which is exactly what happens to 15-year-old Jaden Cavell.

First, Jaden’s dad loses his job at the Detroit auto plant. Then they lose their house. Then they spend a night in a homeless shelter.

They wind up in a small house in Shappaway, Oklahoma, where Jaden’s father accepts a job in a fertilizer plant—with the help of his obnoxious brother-in-law, Burley Jack. (Father of Jaden’s obnoxious cousin, Claude Lee.)

Can things get any worse?

A Noble Cause

Brought to You By the Color Drab

It takes a blind man to show Race the way…

           The moment Race heard the gunshots explode, he knew it was Vince. Somehow he just knew.

          Throwing the remote across the room, he leaped over the back of the ratty couch and flew down the dimly-lit stairs out into the hot August night.

In this riveting teen novel, Race Paloma’s world violently turns upside-down after his older brother, Vince, is murdered in a drive-by. Without Vince’s strong leadership, their once-powerful, hood-ruling pack unravels at the speed of light. The Deuce Dragons threaten takeover in their Cincinnati Over-The-Rhine hood.

As life closes in, Race has nowhere to turn. Vince’s tight homie and joint-leader of their pack, Wynn, is sent off to juvie; the Deuce Dragons pressure Race to be jumped in; his mother drowns her grief over Vince’s death in extended drunken bouts; then Race is caught shoplifting and comes face-to-face with the slammer. Could his world get any worse?

Set in the year, 2001, this teen/young adult novel, replete with gangs, knives, turf wars, car theft, ghetto lifestyle, and drive-by shootings, is reminiscent of S.E. Hinton’s Outsiders. High drama, and intense conflict will have readers—both young and old— turning pages till the wee hours of the morning.

Available at Norma Jean’s Notations Store